Irish rising band, The Blow In's become Poets of music as they release their debut EP.
To the locals in Ireland, you can be touted as a “Blow In" if you're a poet, painter of those in search of an alternative lifestyle. Sometimes a stigmatising sense of they don't belong here is what the Irish carry with this word. So hailing from Co.Kerry, it might be fair to say the name is apt for Cian O'Leary (Vocals and Rhythm Guitar) and Oisín O'Regan (Lead Guitar) as they turn poetry into music, do they belong in the same field as their inspirations as Kingfishr, The Pogues, The Waterboys or even Oasis?, let's delve into their EP To find out.
A five song EP opens up with the lead track, “Monica”, straight in on a banjo lead, instantly transporting you to Irish folk these lads are parking in. A song reflecting on, as the name suggests, a love interest with lyrics suggestive of protection, heartwarming care for their “Monica” and a longing to see and hold her, accompanied with a fast paced rhythmic melody, something they've carried with them since their live performances since 2023 which has helped gain them popularity, a nice opener to the EP.
A intricate drum beat, is followed in by rhythmic banjo and a piercing harmonica before lulling into the lyrics of memories as “Run” is next. A slightly slower paced song, intertwining symbolisms of nature and ones of own mind, to create a journey with a beautifully almost acoustic piece in the middle highlighting the raspy vocals as were taking through a song of support and finding one's self, nurtured to a slowing finish of the harmonica and banjo.
Onto my personal favourite, “Butterflies”. I've found as you progress through the EP, you get a sense of the diversity in this bands creativeness with sound and song deliverance. A theme emerges that the banjo is a key instrument with any song but this time rhythm guitar takes on the opening journey with some accompanying piano chords and meaningfully raspy lyrics again taking us down a reflective, calm lyrical quest before they pick up the sound with the banjo and drums whilst not losing the identity and feel of the song. “Butterflies” rounds off nicely as just like the previous song, it's a song crafted well with meaning.
The penultimate song, “Free” picks the pace back up this time, a nice triplet rhythm on the snare sits nicely in the background as the lyrics cry out to not be forgotten as life moves on and separations become a part of every day life, despite the connections you once shared with one another. As Cian demonstrates with the lyrics, “ you can trust me your heart and dreams, please don't forget me” as feelings of never being free cross the mind, a sense of feeling trapped in a cycle of life, we've all collectively felt in one way or another.
The final song, “Brown Leaf” showcases the acoustic guitar right from the off. Finishing off with a slow melodic love song again. This time you can get a sense of the “Oasis” inspirations coming through in the vocal composition of the scales and vocal abilities. A mix of all instruments can be heard in this one too making a perfect ender for the EP, the piano, the harmonica both make an appearance alongside the banjo, rhythm guitar and that drum beat again all blend well together.
On reflection then, I think it would be unfair to say they're Blow In's as they do belong here in the scene, the genre they're stepping in amongst some strong established contenders like Kingfishr, Amble and those who paved the way before them like The Waterboys. There's no reason why these can't be hailed as Blow Ins's as they have turned poetry into musical journeys.
Recently just supporting James Vincent Mcmorrow and gaining popularity through their energetic, high tempo live performances. We get treated to glimpses of that on this EP, it's a good debut from the young lads and a start in the right direction for them to go to further heights as they gain popularity. It's meant to be lads…
The brand new EP, Meant To Be is available on all major platforms.

Article By Dave Shaw